HBOT 2019 Video Update
Length 2:30 | 10/29/2020
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The HBOT 2020 3-day conference will introduce the very latest science, protocols, case studies, and treatments delivered by experienced and respected speakers from the United States and around the world.
If we were pleased with the status quo in medicine today, there would be no need for medical conferences. Instead countless patients with complicated neurological conditions are condemned to a “new normal” of occupational disability, broken social relationships, and ever diminishing hope for a better future. They are joined by many medical professionals frustrated with treatment algorithms that often fall short of achieving meaningful recovery.
Hyperbaric Medicine International has assembled a “dream team” of nationally and internationally prominent medical experts and researchers who are bringing together the real science behind safe and effective solutions that address the disordered physiological processes behind some of the toughest medical challenges we face today such as:
Chronic and Acute Traumatic Brain Injuries (concussions)
Cerebral Palsy
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Opioid Addiction
Post-Traumatic Stress
And More
There has never been a medical conference like this before
Our goal was to recruit to the leading clinicians and researchers of the most promising emerging therapies becoming available today. We have largely succeeded. For the first time ever, Hyperbaric Medicine International is bringing together the science and evidence supporting clinical applications for:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Photobiomodulation (aka Low-Level Light/Laser Therapy)
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
EEG-Guided Neurofeedback
Cannabis Supplementation
Ketogenic Metablism
And More
Whether you are a medical professional, a care giver, or a patient interested in the most recent science supporting real advances in recovery and healing, we invite you to join with this select group of prominent medical researchers and leaders from the military, professional athletics, and public healthcare policy in shaping new science-based multi-disciplinary and multi-modality approaches to healing and recovery.